After submitting the complete completion and the certification statement:
- The completion of the supporting documents is checked. Errors in non-essential items are not grounds for rejection. Based on the affiliation decision, the submitted expenditure documents and payment documents of any own participation and the control of deviation from the proposed energy goal, the final eligible cost of the project and the equity required to be paid by the Beneficiary are formed (In the case of an apartment building, the The adjustment of the eligible costs per Beneficiary of the previous paragraph is made taking into account the cost ratio of communal interventions recorded in the cost sharing form.)
- The Implementing Body, if it finds the repayment of the remaining expenses, informs the financial institution in order to pay the remaining grant and, if necessary, for the disbursement of the entire loan, for the repayment of the documented expenses (contractors / suppliers, etc...), and the payment to the Beneficiary of the amount corresponding to it for the paid documents of other expenses.
- The financial institution disburses the total or the balance of the loan for those who have signed a loan agreement and pays the balance of the grant for the repayment of the accrued documentary expenses of contractors / suppliers / project consultant / studies that have not been repaid.
- In the case of an apartment building application, the amounts of the above paragraph are also used to pay the cost of communal interventions, distributed to the Beneficiaries.
- In case of payments made by the Beneficiary, ie fee of energy inspector and Electronic ID, and have not been paid, the corresponding amount is paid to the Beneficiary. For paid insurance contributions, which are borne by the Beneficiary, an amount is paid (as an impairment of the required own funds) that corresponds to the percentage of his grant, if these are eligible.
In cases where the Beneficiary a) has not complied with the approved partial or total implementation deadline or b) audits have found non-compliance with the basic conditions of participation (eligibility of residence, energy goal, etc.) or c) has submitted a statement of withdrawal by the Program or d) has transferred his right to the property before the final disbursement, the application will be led to a process of disengagement. The Implementing Body may revoke the relevant affiliation decision and inform the interested parties through the electronic application information system. In the case of an apartment building, the withdrawal of even one of the applicants, and / or the impossibility of covering the private participation by concluding a loan or payment of own funds implies the process of disengagement and revocation of the affiliation decision for all applications of the apartment building. With the revocation of the affiliation decision, the Beneficiary is required to return the benefits of the Program for which it has been used.
It is pointed out that at this stage the Implementing Agency, in addition to the supporting documents, reserves the right to carry out the necessary checks to verify compliance with the terms and conditions of the Program, based on the completeness and content of all supporting documents submitted by the Beneficiary. Errors in non-essential items are not grounds for rejection. In the event that during the above procedure it appears that the terms and conditions of the Program are not met for some applications, the Implementing Agency revokes the affiliation decision and informs through the application information system the Beneficiaries.
The Project Implementing Authority, in order to verify the accuracy of the data stated in the copies of documents submitted in printed or electronic form, conducts a sample check on at least five percent (5%) of the copies submitted during the immediately preceding quarter, according to paragraph 2 of article 11 of L.2690 / 1999, as replaced by paragraph 2 of article 1 of L.4250 / 2014.
It is pointed out that the project is considered complete when all the interventions have been implemented (in the case of an apartment building, the interventions of all the owners as well as the communal interventions), the control of the supporting documents has been completed and the relevant costs have been reimbursed.
A relevant completion decision is issued to determine the completion of the project.
In parallel with the above, the Implementing Body may carry out on-site sampling checks to verify the correct implementation of the implementation of the physical and financial object. Within the framework of the audits, it cooperates with the Energy Inspection Departments of Northern and Southern Greece, which, within the framework of their responsibilities, carry out audits to certify the correct execution of the energy inspections concerning the projects of the Beneficiaries of the Program. In the context of the above audits, the Information System of the Program is informed by the buildingcert about the revocations of the PEAs that have been issued within the framework of the program.
The Energy Inspection Departments of Northern and Southern Greece organize and carry out systematic audits in the process of issuing PEAs related to inclusion applications and carry out sampling audits, where required.
In the event that the audits result in non-completion of the project, non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the program during the implementation or deviation between physical and financial object, the provisions of the sub-section "Consequences" apply.
The payment of the balance of the grant and / or the loan is completed within a period of sixty (60) days from the successful verification of the certification statement for the completion of the project.
The above amounts are disbursed to the special bank account of the beneficiary and are unsecured (including any loan advance), in compliance with Article 22 of Regulation (EU) 241/2021. These amounts are reserved for the payment of suppliers / contractors / etc.
Then the payments to the contractors / suppliers / etc. carried out directly by the Financial Institution, on the basis of an order / authorization registered in the information system by the Beneficiary, and in any case, not after the end of seven (7) working days from the payment of the money to him by the Implementing Agency, with the condition that there are no outstanding issues through the fault of the beneficiary (remittances to cover transactions in accounts of another bank, etc.). The contractors / suppliers declare for the disbursement of the payment the Professional Account that they have declared on the website of AADE, according to the JMC no. 2017 / 6.11.2017 (Government Gazette B '3944) and is valid.