Evaluation of Applications
Initial results
After the completion of the submission of applications, based on the score per grading criterion and the total score of the application, as it appears based on the data submitted to the information system, are compiled by P.E.:
- Ranking tables of submitted proposals in descending order of grading whose grant is included in the available per P.E. Program budget ("eligible" applications in principle)
- Proposal ranking tables in descending order of grading of the other submitted applications whose grant is not included in the available per PE. Program budget ("running" applications)
No objection is given against the above tables.
Subsequently, only the " principle eligible" applications are required to submit the Electronic Identity of their residence, within an exclusive period of sixty (60) days. If the above period elapses without action, the application will be rejected.
At the same time, the examination is started by the Implementing Agency of the submitted data and supporting documents, including the submitted data of the Program contained in the Electronic Identity that is submitted. According to H.T. The score of the relevant criterion related to the age of residence (K5) is recalculated and the application will be led to its re-grading and reclassification.
During this period, the "special cases" of applications, as described in the relevant section, are also examined. For their control, the Implementing Agency may seek additional and clarifying information that is strictly related to the designation of the application as a "special case" and which applicants should attach to their application. It is pointed out that the submission of an application has the position of a Responsible Declaration. Errors in non-essential items are not grounds for rejection. If inaccuracies are found in essentially submitted data which affect the grading of the application, the application will be led either to re-grading and re-classification, with a possible transition from the initially eligible to the shortlisted applications, or to rejection (in cases of non-compliance). submission of false essentials and supporting documents):
The application will be led to its re-grading and reclassification in the case of declaration of income other than that which arises after the control of the implementing body (in the applications of special cases).
The application will be rejected if the supporting documents are not submitted, or their essential elements are false, or if the submitted supporting documents are not valid at the time of submitting the application.
Temporary results
Then the Provisional Lists of Eligible / Running / Rejected applications per PE are issued and according to the approved Budget of the Program per P.E. which include for each submitted application, in descending order of total score, the details of the application, the score per grading criterion and the overall score of the application, as it appears as a result of checking and redefining the data submitted in the information system, as well as any indication rejection. In the rejected applications, an individual notification will be sent through the information system with the relevant reason for rejection, as well as a notification for the right of objection.
From the date of issuance of the above Provisional Lists of Eligible / Runners-up / Rejected applications per P.E. and within an exclusive period of ten (10) days, all submitted applications (Eligible / Runners-up / Rejected) are given the right to object. A necessary condition for submitting an objection is that the Electronic Identity of the Building / Divided Property has been submitted to the Program. Therefore, for shortlisted applications, where no HT has already been submitted, it should be submitted to the information system upon submission of the objection.
The objection is submitted exclusively electronically and only by the applicant, through the application information system.
The competent body for their examination is the Objections Examination Committee. The Implementing Body retains the possibility to appoint additional committees for the examination of objections. The members of the objection examination committees may not participate in the evaluation of the applications.
Objections are examined both as to the lawfulness of the act in which they are directed and as to the substance of the case and are either rejected or accepted. In case the objection is submitted by HT, its details are taken into account for the evaluation of the application and the examination of the objection. The result of the examination of the objection is communicated to the applicant through the information system.
Final results
Then, taking into account the results of the examination of objections, the order of grading is redefined based on the Provisional Tables and the Final Tables of Approved / Running / Rejected applications per PE are issued. which include, in descending order of the overall score, data from the application dossier, the score per scoring criterion and the overall score of the application, as it appears as a result of examining the objections submitted to the information system and any changes that have resulted in the ranking, or any reason for rejection. No right of objection is given against the Final Tables.
In cases of equality of applications in their total score, the order in the ranking tables (initial, temporary, final) will be based on the comparison between them in the individual score of the criteria (in order of priority): K1, K2, K3.
Approval of Results
The Final Tables are prepared by the Implementing Agency, and approved by the Minister of Environment and Energy. The approval decision authorizes the Implementing Body for the Inclusion of the Approved Applications in the Program
The approved Final Tables per P.E. include at least the following: Detailed table with details of the Beneficiaries approved in the Program, with the category of the Beneficiary, the eligible residence and its type, with the respective eligible budget and the own funds and reference to the eligible application.
For the Approved applications, the budget is committed within the framework of the terms of the Program per PE. and are given the right to proceed with the selection of a Financial Scheme.
The Final Applications reserve the right to be evaluated in the existing descending order, in case of non-coverage or increase of the Program Resources per P.E.
Applicants whose applications have been rejected have the right to re-apply for any future calls for new applications under the current Program.
The initial, the Provisional and the approved Final Tables are posted on the official website of the Program, with a parallel announcement at least on the websites of the Ministry of Environment and the Technical Chamber of Greece and are posted on the Transparency Program.