Energy Efficiency

Every Individual person as well as the body of apartment building owners wishing to participate in the Program must first check whether they meet the conditions and whether their property can be considered "eligible housing" (see section "Description" sub-section "Eligibility"), as well as to ensure that the required electronic intersections are made, for the following:

  • Providing passwords to the TAXISnet application. Please note that it is not possible to apply to the program for individuals / apartment buildings that are not certified through the above application and do not have passwords to it.
  • In case there are pending legalization / settlement in the property, the initial declaration of inclusion in a law for settlement of arbitrary constructions should have been made before submitting the application to the Program. It is noted that, during the submission to the Electronic Identity Program, the affiliation should be completed in accordance with par. 8 of article 81 of law 4495/2017. Subsequent declaration, from the submission of an application to the Program, for inclusion in a law for the settlement of arbitrary constructions, may be submitted in case of deviation of the useful area of the property up to the limit of seven (7) square meters, in order for energy interventions to comply with legislation (for apartment buildings, the limit in square meters is the product of seven (7) on the number of apartments). In any case, before the final disbursement of the project grant, it must be completed in accordance with par. 8 of article 81 of law 4495/2017.
  • In case there are pending issues in the tax data of the applicant in the settlement of the income tax return (E1), in the detailed statement of real estate rents (E2) or in the declaration of real estate data (E9), they should be settled before submitting the application. It is pointed out that the forms of taxation, real estate lease and property status must correctly indicate the number of electricity supply. Also, when submitting the application, the deviation between the area of main spaces based on the form E9 and the useful area A 'PEA, cannot exceed 7m2.
  • In case of recent acquisition of real estate (acquisition for the first time of a real right on the real estate after 31/12/2020) the data must have been preceded by the registration / modification in the declaration of the real estate data E9. The title deed and the transfer certificate from the competent mortgage office or a certificate of registration in the cadastral sheets of the relevant Cadastral Office are attached to the application. The future use of the property as the main residence will be documented with a Responsible Statement of Law 1599/1986 (Annex XI). In case there are more beneficiaries of real rights (co-owners) in an eligible residence, if the main use of the requested residence will be made by one of the co-owners, only the co-owner who owns it has the right to participate in the Program. If the main use of the requested residence will be made by another non-co-owner, the right to participate in the Program has a co-owner with the right of full ownership / usufruct (not small ownership). Upon completion of the project, the necessary inspections will be carried out in order to ascertain the use of the property as a main residence.
  • In case of existence of more beneficiaries of real rights in the property, the consent of the co-owners must be secured and the electricity supply number must be correctly indicated in the declaration of their real estate data (E9).
  • Issuance of Certificate of Energy Efficiency of the property and formulation of the Proposal of Energy Saving Interventions.

In case of submitting an application for an Apartment Building, a decision must first be made, within the framework of a general assembly of the apartment building, for participation in the Program, the decision for submitting the application, making interventions, appointing a representative of the apartment building and authorizing submission of the data and supporting documents required by the program. In addition, a decision must be made on the choice of the partner financial institution to take loans. Please note that in this case all applicants will have to work with the same financial institution.

It is noted that the difference (㎡) between the total area of main use, auxiliary and common areas listed in the legal documents of the building, and the total area A 'PEA, cannot exceed the product of the number of participating apartments by 7 ㎡.

It is pointed out that in the next stage after the submission of the application and only in the case were based on the initial tables of application ranking the application is called "Eligible in principle", the issuance and submission to the Electronic Identity Program will be required. surface and age of the property.

In detail, the application documents are presented in Annex I.

First Energy Inspection

Once the interested party has secured the necessary agreements / consents and has checked the eligibility of his residence, he addresses an Energy Inspector, in order to carry out the first energy inspection of the property of the / building and to issue the Energy Efficiency Certificate (A). The said PEA must have been issued based on the new framework for the Energy Efficiency Regulation of Buildings (CPEA / oik. 178581, FEK B '2367 / 12.07.2017). The cost of the PEA is eligible if it has been issued after 01/02/2020. PEAs issued after 27/11/2017 are also accepted, the cost of which is not eligible by the Program.

Only the interventions that are completed after the issuance of the above PEA can be considered eligible for the Program and in any case the expenses must have been made from 01/02/2020 (start date of eligibility) onwards. Prior to Admission to the Program, interventions can be carried out under the sole responsibility of the Beneficiary, by issuing on credit documents of contractors / suppliers. It should be noted that in the latter case special attention should be paid by the interested party to the General Eligibility Conditions of the "Description" section "Eligibility" sub-section paragraph "General Eligibility Conditions of Residence".

Apartment building

The representative addresses an Energy Inspector, in order to carry out the first energy inspection of the building and to issue the First Energy Performance Certificate (A 'PEA). The PEA concerns the whole building for residential use.

Upon Submission

The application is subject to automated electronic checks, through a relevant interface with databases, after the consent and order of the user.

From the interconnection of the information systems and applications of A.A.D.E. and the Program, the following information is obtained:

From the Taxpayer Register of A.A.D.E .( Independent Public Revenue Authority):

  • The Tax Registration Number.
  • Indications whether he is an Individual or Non-Individual Person, resident abroad / spouse of a resident abroad, as they are valid at the time of submitting the application.
  • Names of the taxpayer and spouse of the taxpayer, or the name for the cases of non-natural persons and data on the activity of the company.

From the income data and for a cleared tax return for the reference year:

  • The sum of the Total Declared Income, the Exempt and Independent Taxable Income as well as the Added Objective Difference Difference (liable, spouse / MSS, dependent children) for the reporting year.
  • Indication of the electricity supply number of the property, of its use as the main residence in the reference year or in the previous 2 years, of the type of use (own residence / rented / free concession) and of the marital status.

From the real estate data and for the most recent submission of property data:

  • The surface of main rooms.
  • Indication for the Property ID Number, the electricity supply number, the co-ownership data (percentages and types of co-ownership).

The above data processing is carried out by AADE as necessary for the fulfillment of a task performed in the public interest.

Information necessary for the submission of an application is also obtained from the Register of Files of the Electronic Identity of the Building / Divided Property. In particular, they are drawn:

  • Indications for the data of Antiquity of the Building / Divided Property, Legality, Use and Surface, electricity supply.

The application in the Program is a responsible statement of article 8 of law 1599/1986 (Government Gazette AD75) for the essential elements that refer to it and the supporting documents submitted with it. The inaccuracy of essential elements stated in the application entails the foreseen criminal and administrative sanctions.

The submission of an application for participation in the Program constitutes an authorization to the competent Authorities and Services, the Implementing Body and the Planning Body of the Program, for the further processing of personal data, the securing of the necessary consents, as well as the acceptance that every element of the project can constitute subject to disclosure, provided that the observance of the legislation on personal data is ensured based on Law 4624/2019, including the sensitive ones, which are observed:

  • for the needs of the implementation of this action (indicative: controls and cross-checks during the submission and disbursement of incentives and monitoring the observance of the obligations of the beneficiaries),
  • for the purpose of exporting statistical data (indicators), as well as
  • for the purpose of conducting research and conducting studies for the evaluation of the Program.

Also, the submission of an application for participation in the Program constitutes an authorization for the publication on the website DIAVGEIA of the Tables of the Program with details of the applicant / Beneficiary.

Information those interested can find:

Submission process

Οι αιτήσεις χρηματοδότησης υποβάλλονται μόνον ηλεκτρονικά και υποχρεωτικά μέσω του πληροφοριακού συστήματος του επίσημου δικτυακού τόπου του Προγράμματος. Κατά το στάδιο υποβολής της αίτησης δεν απαιτείται προσκόμιση φυσικού φακέλου με δικαιολογητικά. Τα δικαιολογητικά υπαγωγής, που ορίζονται στο Annex I, are attached Digitally by the candidate.

The start date for applications for a detached house / individual apartment is set at 13 December 2021.

The start date for submitting applications for an apartment building is the third (3rd) working day after the end of submitting applications for a detached house / individual apartment.

The possibility of electronic submission of applications will be provided for a period of fifty (50) days from the date of submission.

The above date may be modified, if this becomes necessary in the context of measures taken to deal with emergencies. In this case, the announcement of a new date will be made with relevant announcements on the official websites of the Program and the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

For the submission of the application and the monitoring of the project, the interested party has the possibility to use a Project Consultant, the cost of which is covered directly by the Program after the completion of the interventions and the achievement of the energy goal.

By connecting, the applicant certifies the accuracy of the declared data and states that, in the context of checks for the observance of the terms of the Program, he consents to the receipt / crossing of the required Register, Income and Property data kept at IPRA and concerning the obligor , to the obligor's spouse, to the dependent members, to the co-owners and to the residence for energy upgrade, as well as that he is committed to the completeness and submission of the required supporting documents before the Submission of the application.

Upon completion of the application, automated electronic eligibility checks are performed, the required supporting documents are entered on a case-by-case basis, the energy data of the A 'PEA are received, and the proposal is submitted with the costs of interventions and other expenses.

Πρόταση παρεμβάσεων
Proposal for interventions

The Energy Inspector registers electronically in the application the proposal of Interventions, ie the combination of interventions of the first (1st) of the energy saving proposals recorded in the A 'PEA, as well as any additional saving interventions, as described in the section "Interventions" sub-section Works "that are not included in the energy saving proposals of the A 'PEA, the proposed quantity per category of expenditure and the corresponding cost based on the offers received by the beneficiary (Annex III). In order to register the intervention proposal, the energy inspector must have completed the user registration process in the Program information system. In the description of the individual savings interventions, it should state the specifications and the technical and energy characteristics of the materials and the electromechanical systems required for the calculation of the energy result and the control of the fulfillment of the requirements of the Program, of the section "Interventions", the energy goal to be achieved after the implementation of energy interventions. The proposal (combination of interventions) for energy upgrade, should cover the minimum energy target of the application (see section "Interventions" sub-section "Objective").

The applicant checks and accepts electronically the proposal of the Energy Inspector.

In an application for an Apartment Building, during the registration, the cost of the interventions is separated from the representative of the apartment building in the cost of shared and non-shared interventions which the owners of the participating apartments are called to check and accept. The sharing of utilities is based on the millimeters of co-ownership of the apartments. The cost of an Energy Inspector / Project Consultant is shared accordingly.

Then the application is submitted to the Program and a unique protocol number is received. A necessary condition for submitting the application is the completion of all its mandatory fields.

Upon submission of the application, the total Score of the application will be automatically calculated, based on the evaluation criteria of the Program (sub-section "Evaluation")

During the application period, the right to cancel and resubmit an application is given. After the end of the application period, the application cannot be canceled by the applicant.

It is noted that after the end of the submission period, the Implementing Body can proceed with the liquidation of unsubmitted applications, ie applications in an entry that have not been submitted, for a long period of time and in any case not less than four (4) months.

More specific application process for an apartment building

Following the relevant decision at the general assembly of the apartment building for the issuance of a tax registration number (TIN) of "apartment building management" for common areas, the applications of the participating connected apartments are submitted and the application "as a whole building" of the apartment building representative of the official web portal of the Program, entering all the requested data as well as supporting documents Annex I - B representative.

Upon finalization of the application, the applicant unreservedly accepts that in case of rejection of the application for inclusion in the program and / or the application for a loan, the reasons for the rejection will be notified to the representative of the apartment building.

After the completion of the credit check by the financial institution, the representative of the apartment building is informed through the information system about the relevant result.

Submission by a minor or adult who has no legal capacity

The case of submitting an application by a person who lacks legal capacity (minor or adult under legal assistance) is dealt with in the usual procedure, as defined in the current legislation (Civil Code and Code of Civil Procedure), applying the provisions on parental responsibility, juvenile and legal guardianship (deprivation and auxiliary). The relevant legal documents of the person representing the person who lacks legal capacity are kept in the project file of the Beneficiary.

Special cases

This designation is attributed to applications for which automated audits are not technically feasible, either in full or in part, and are therefore reviewed by the Program Implementing Agency. For the following special cases, the Implementing Agency carries out an audit of the submitted supporting documents and data for the issuance of the ranking tables of eligible / final / rejected applications, as well as the affiliation decision. Corresponding control is carried out by the Implementing Agency for every other citizen for whom it is not possible to cross income data and real estate data with the data kept by the tax authority.

When submitting applications that are part of a special case, all the required supporting documents must be valid and must be complete and correctly completed.

In the event that during the control of the special cases the observance of the above conditions is found, the application will be led to rejection. After the submission, no right is given to replace or add the original basic supporting documents. The Implementing Body may seek only additional and clarifying information on the submitted, which is related to the characterization of the application as a "special case".

A) A) House for rent / free concession

If, for eligible residence, the use and declaration of main residence is made by a tenant or is a free concession, then the beneficiary (only usufructuary or full owner) falls under the provisions of the De Minimis Aid Regulation EU 1407/2013 of the European Union. (EN L352 / 24.12.2013) concerning the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty to the above aid and therefore the amount of aid for which it has acquired a legal right to receive aid during the last three financial years (current financial year and the two previous financial years) from the date of submission of the application under the current Program, summed with the assistance received from this Program, not to exceed two hundred thousand Euros (€ 200,000). In addition, the total amount of aid (grant, interest rate subsidy and gross grant equivalent - GNI) cannot exceed € 80,000 in all its applications to the Program. To this end, the potential Beneficiary (usufructuary / complete master) is required to declare compliance with the De Minimis Regulation (Annex IX), as applicable, which will be submitted through the information system.

In addition to:

  • No recovery of old State aid should be pending against the beneficiary,
  • in case of a loan, the Gross Grant Equivalent (GNI) falls under the provisions of the above Regulation EU 1407/2013 (De Minimis Aid) and is calculated in accordance with Article 4 of paragraph 3 of that Regulation and is therefore included in the amount of aid for which the beneficiary has acquired a legal right to receive aid during the last three financial years (current financial year and the two previous financial years) from the date of application.

The Y.D. accumulation, must be provided at the time of application.

The Implementing Body, before the Submission of the application, carries out a cumulative control for the de minimis aid and in case the control results in exceeding the foreseen limit, the Beneficiary is informed, through the application information system, that his application is not considered eligible and will be rejected. In addition, in case the Implementing Body is informed, after the decision of affiliation, that the cumulation check was done with an incorrect base value, it will have to re-check the amount of cumulation and in case the limit is exceeded, the Beneficiary will be informed through of the information system for any revocation of the affiliation decision. After the Submission of the application, the Implementing Body before the final payment of the aid informs the State Cumulation System.

B) Tax Resident abroad

An application falls into this special category only if the applicant for inclusion in the Program and / or the spouse are registered as foreign tax residents in the Tax Office for foreign residents, are taxed in Greece and are required to file a tax return only for incomes arising in our country. If within the framework of the tax legislation there is no obligation to submit and no tax return has been submitted in Greece, the special case C also applies in combination (the responsible declaration of Law 1599/1985 of Annex X on non-obligation to submit in accordance with the relevant Model is submitted based on of the circular DEAF A 1138225 EX 2018 of the Independent Public Revenue Authority).

The income for the classification in the categories of table 2.2.1 of the section "Description" sub-section "Eligibility" paragraph "Beneficiaries - Applications - Income Categories - Grant", will result from the sum of the "income" of Greece within the meaning of the Program and the total declared income earned in the country of Tax Residence, for the reference year (tax year 2020).

The certification of the incomes of Greece is carried out automatically with confirmation / receipt of the incomes according to what is mentioned in the paragraph "Upon Submission". For the certification of foreign incomes, the interested party must additionally present:

  1. Certificate of Tax Residence (CERTIFICATE OF TAX RESIDENCE), which must be completed, signed and stamped by the competent tax authority of its Residence.
  2. Tax return for the reference year, submitted in the country of Tax Residence.

The above a 'and b' supporting documents must be submitted accompanied by their official translation into Greek by a competent authority.

C) No obligation to submit tax information

An application falls into this special category only if there is no legal obligation and no income declaration is submitted (form E1) or a detailed statement for the case of free concession (form E2) and therefore it is not possible to cross-check either the income category, or the main use of the residence, to verify the fulfillment of the criteria of the program. It is taken into account that from a real right to real estate and depending on its use either real or "imputed" income is generated and as a rule, in the case of main residence, there is an obligation to submit E1 forms for income (and E2 for the case of free concession). Applicants who deem themselves to fall into this category should check what is taxable for their case.

This category may include either foreign tax residents (taxpayers or spouse of taxpayers) or dependent children who are not required to file an individual income tax return and who are part of the family tax return.

In case the non-obligation to submit a tax return legally arises, a responsible declaration of law 1599/1986 is submitted in accordance with the relevant Model based on the circular DEAF A 1138225 EX 2018 of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (Annex X).It is noted that in the context of checks for the correctness of the declared data, a copy of this statement will be sent to the compliance department of the Tax Office in order to conduct a sample check in accordance with the provisions of par. 4 of article 8 of Law 1599 / 86 / Government Gazette A'75 and par.3 of article 10 of Law 3230/2004 (Government Gazette A '44).

D) Polytechnic Property Check

An application falls into this special category only if there is the status of a large family, as it results from a relevant certificate of polytechnic status with a digital signature from the Supreme Confederation of Large Families of Greece (SCLFG).

E) Disability Certification Check

An application falls into this special category if the taxpayer, or the taxpayer's spouse and dependent children, have a disability of at least 67% as evidenced by the "Notification of Disability Certification Result" issued by the Disability Certification Center.

Ηλεκτρονική Ταυτότητα Κτιρίου
Electronic Identity of Building / Divided Property

The purpose of the Electronic Building / Divided Property (ID) Identity is to record the current condition of the building or the shared property, respectively, and their permits, as well as to monitor and control their changes over time. of their lives.

When submitting when requested by the Program, HT must have the relevant Certificate of Completeness.

It is pointed out that during the control process of the submitted applications, the submission to the Electronic Identity Program will be required only in the submitted applications that are "Principally Eligible" based on the initial ranking tables per PE based on Budget, while at the stage of submitting objections, during which have the right to object and the Runners-up / Rejected, for the submission of any objection, must be submitted together with the objection and the H.T.

In case of a request for a detached house / individual apartment, during the submission of the Electronic Identity, a check is applied that the area of main rooms cannot be less than the useful area A 'PEA and the area of main rooms according to form E9, more than the legally accepted deviation due to 2% measurements.

The process of issuing and updating the H.T. is carried out exclusively electronically, through an electronic platform, under the responsibility of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) in accordance with the provisions of no. YPEN / DESEDP / 117828/1338 (Government Gazette 5447 B '9-12-2020).

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation process of the applications submitted to the Program is done on the basis of benchmarking, ie evaluation of each application on the basis of predefined criteria.

The criteria as well as their respective weight are listed in the following table. Values are rounded to the third (3rd) decimal place.

* The reduced cost of energy savings when submitting the application will result from the product of the proposed Intervention Costs for the estimated energy savings based on A 'PEA on the surface of its main premises (useful area A' PEA for a detached house / individual apartment) main spaces based on form E9 for an apartment as part of an application for an apartment building). Only for the calculation of the score, if the Intervention Cost includes interventions of subcategories 1.A1, 1.A2 of table 4.1.1 of the section "Interventions" sub-section "Grant" paragraph "Eligible Intervention Budget", the proposed costs for these subcategories participate in the Cost of Interventions reduced by 60% (multiplication with a reduction rate of 0.40),

** As Α.Μ.Ε.Α. the program takes into account the applicant, or the spouse and the dependent children (minimum acceptable disability rate 67% based on KEPA).

*** Based on a certificate in force of the Supreme Confederation of Large Families of Greece (ASPE), with electronic signature. The application system must state the expiration date of the certificate and its protocol number.

Score = Κ1 * 50% + Κ2 * 14% + Κ3 * 7% + Κ4 * 5% + Κ5 * 3% + Κ6 * 7% + Κ7 * 7% + Κ8 * 7%

The score calculation equation from which the Ranking Series will result based on the above criteria is as follows:

The criteria will receive a normalized value based on predefined maximum values. The criteria are presented in detail in Annex XII

It is pointed out that the process of Comparative Evaluation of applications will be separate for three categories of beneficiaries and for each P.E.

  • Category 1: Applications for Individual Apartments, Houses, where the Beneficiary is in the first (1st) income category (see table 2.2.1 in the section "Description" sub-section "Eligibility" paragraph "Beneficiaries - Applications - Income Categories - Grant")
  • Category 2: Applications for Individual Apartments, Houses, where the Beneficiary is in the other income categories
  • Category 3: Applications for Apartment Buildings

In the 3rd category of the Apartment Building application, the average of the individual scores of the applications of the participating Apartments is taken as a score. More specifically, each participating department will receive a score following the criteria presented in Annex XII and then the M.O. for the apartment building.

Evaluation of Applications

Initial results

After the completion of the submission of applications, based on the score per grading criterion and the total score of the application, as it appears based on the data submitted to the information system, are compiled by P.E.:

  • Ranking tables of submitted proposals in descending order of grading whose grant is included in the available per P.E. Program budget ("eligible" applications in principle)
  • Proposal ranking tables in descending order of grading of the other submitted applications whose grant is not included in the available per PE. Program budget ("running" applications)

No objection is given against the above tables.


Subsequently, only the " principle eligible" applications are required to submit the Electronic Identity of their residence, within an exclusive period of sixty (60) days. If the above period elapses without action, the application will be rejected.

At the same time, the examination is started by the Implementing Agency of the submitted data and supporting documents, including the submitted data of the Program contained in the Electronic Identity that is submitted. According to H.T. The score of the relevant criterion related to the age of residence (K5) is recalculated and the application will be led to its re-grading and reclassification.

During this period, the "special cases" of applications, as described in the relevant section, are also examined. For their control, the Implementing Agency may seek additional and clarifying information that is strictly related to the designation of the application as a "special case" and which applicants should attach to their application. It is pointed out that the submission of an application has the position of a Responsible Declaration. Errors in non-essential items are not grounds for rejection. If inaccuracies are found in essentially submitted data which affect the grading of the application, the application will be led either to re-grading and re-classification, with a possible transition from the initially eligible to the shortlisted applications, or to rejection (in cases of non-compliance). submission of false essentials and supporting documents):

The application will be led to its re-grading and reclassification in the case of declaration of income other than that which arises after the control of the implementing body (in the applications of special cases).

The application will be rejected if the supporting documents are not submitted, or their essential elements are false, or if the submitted supporting documents are not valid at the time of submitting the application.

Temporary results

Then the Provisional Lists of Eligible / Running / Rejected applications per PE are issued and according to the approved Budget of the Program per P.E. which include for each submitted application, in descending order of total score, the details of the application, the score per grading criterion and the overall score of the application, as it appears as a result of checking and redefining the data submitted in the information system, as well as any indication rejection. In the rejected applications, an individual notification will be sent through the information system with the relevant reason for rejection, as well as a notification for the right of objection.


From the date of issuance of the above Provisional Lists of Eligible / Runners-up / Rejected applications per P.E. and within an exclusive period of ten (10) days, all submitted applications (Eligible / Runners-up / Rejected) are given the right to object. A necessary condition for submitting an objection is that the Electronic Identity of the Building / Divided Property has been submitted to the Program. Therefore, for shortlisted applications, where no HT has already been submitted, it should be submitted to the information system upon submission of the objection.

The objection is submitted exclusively electronically and only by the applicant, through the application information system.

The competent body for their examination is the Objections Examination Committee. The Implementing Body retains the possibility to appoint additional committees for the examination of objections. The members of the objection examination committees may not participate in the evaluation of the applications.

Objections are examined both as to the lawfulness of the act in which they are directed and as to the substance of the case and are either rejected or accepted. In case the objection is submitted by HT, its details are taken into account for the evaluation of the application and the examination of the objection. The result of the examination of the objection is communicated to the applicant through the information system.

Final results

Then, taking into account the results of the examination of objections, the order of grading is redefined based on the Provisional Tables and the Final Tables of Approved / Running / Rejected applications per PE are issued. which include, in descending order of the overall score, data from the application dossier, the score per scoring criterion and the overall score of the application, as it appears as a result of examining the objections submitted to the information system and any changes that have resulted in the ranking, or any reason for rejection. No right of objection is given against the Final Tables.


In cases of equality of applications in their total score, the order in the ranking tables (initial, temporary, final) will be based on the comparison between them in the individual score of the criteria (in order of priority): K1, K2, K3.

Approval of Results

The Final Tables are prepared by the Implementing Agency, and approved by the Minister of Environment and Energy. The approval decision authorizes the Implementing Body for the Inclusion of the Approved Applications in the Program

The approved Final Tables per P.E. include at least the following: Detailed table with details of the Beneficiaries approved in the Program, with the category of the Beneficiary, the eligible residence and its type, with the respective eligible budget and the own funds and reference to the eligible application.

For the Approved applications, the budget is committed within the framework of the terms of the Program per PE. and are given the right to proceed with the selection of a Financial Scheme.

The Final Applications reserve the right to be evaluated in the existing descending order, in case of non-coverage or increase of the Program Resources per P.E.

Applicants whose applications have been rejected have the right to re-apply for any future calls for new applications under the current Program.

The initial, the Provisional and the approved Final Tables are posted on the official website of the Program, with a parallel announcement at least on the websites of the Ministry of Environment and the Technical Chamber of Greece and are posted on the Transparency Program.

After the completion of the financial scheme stage, a decision is issued by the Implementing Agency for the inclusion of the applications of the Beneficiaries in the Program (Inclusion Decision).

Submissions to the Program are made, until the available resources are exhausted per PE, based on the declining order of the approved submission applications that has resulted from the comparative evaluation.

Through the submission information system, a personalized letter is sent to the Beneficiary, with all the information stated in the application, which includes a clear and detailed description of the project to be executed, the schedule, the total eligible budget and the grant percentage (grant decision).

In case of a loan, the Beneficiary will be informed about the obligation to start the process of signing the loan agreement (where required). The signing of the loan agreement is completed up to ninety (90) days from the notification of the beneficiary for the issuance of the decision of Inclusion of the project. In case the above period elapses without action under the responsibility of the beneficiary, the process of modifying the financial scheme of the sub-section "Modifications" of the section "Construction" is initiated and the beneficiary will be asked to cover the private Equity Participation if he wishes, otherwise the application will lead to bankruptcy.

Collaborating financial institutions are informed through the information system about the affiliation decisions.

In any case, the Beneficiary has the possibility of declaring withdrawal from the Inclusion, at any stage, through the information system of the Program.

Without prejudice to the provisions on the commencement of eligibility of expenditure, the date of commencement of the project shall be the date of issue of the inclusion decision.

It is pointed out that the Implementing Body, based on the data and supporting documents submitted by the Beneficiaries, may at any stage (and in any case before the payment of the final benefits) the necessary administrative checks to determine, based on the submitted supporting documents. of all the terms and conditions of the Program. If the above audits reveal a discrepancy between the elements of the supporting documents and the affiliation decision and the terms of the program, the affiliation decision will be revoked by the Implementing Agency and the penalties provided in sub-section "Consequences" of the "Disbursement" section will occur.

In cases where, from this Guide, it is required to submit printed documents to the Implementing Body in an extra-systemic way (eg application of the beneficiary for modification of financial scheme or revocation of affiliation decision), the Implementing Body digitizes the submitted documents and posts them in the Information System.

After the Benefit of the Beneficiary in the Program, regardless of the way of covering the Own Participation (Equity / Loan), 70% of the beneficiary will be credited to the special "frozen" bank account of the beneficiary as defined in the Submission decision.

Χρηματοδοτικό Σχήμα
Financial Scheme

The declaration of the financial scheme is a basic condition and a key point of control of the relevant resources of the Program.

Special service bank account

For the needs of the Program, the issuance of a special bank account is required. The special account is "unsecured" and must be issued and declared at the financial scheme declaration stage.

Especially in the case of covering private participation with bank lending, the special account will be used as a loan service account.

The cost of file management, for the applications that will be subject to the program, is covered by the resources of the Program.

The approved applications of the final tables go to the stage where the financing scheme (Equity / loan) is declared, with which the user wishes to join the Program.

The option of Equity is irrevocable and does not change thereafter. The loan option may be changed to an Equity option at the loan application stage and before the "Subsidy" application is processed.

- Applications, for which the applicant has chosen to join the Program with Equity, are led directly to Subscription.

- Applications, for which the applicant has chosen to proceed with the Loan Program, receive a deadline of 120 days, without the right of extension, for the start and completion of the lending process. Within the above deadline, it must be submitted to a cooperating bank and an application for a loan must be approved, so that by the end of the deadline, the application can be submitted for Submission. If an amount less than that requested by the person concerned is approved, the balance may be covered by own funds. An application for a loan can be canceled. If the loan application is rejected or canceled, the interested party has the option to either proceed irrevocably with Equity "for Borrowing", or to submit a loan application again (always taking into account the time of its examination by the bank). If the loan period expires without action, the applicant has the opportunity to proceed only with Equity.

The cooperating financial institutions apply the applicable internal regulations that govern them, as well as the credit criteria for the assessment of creditworthiness. The cooperating financial institutions must complete the credit audit within sixty (60) days from the time the interested party submits his loan application. Please note that this period is included in the total deadline for the lending process and does not extend it. The loan applicant should ensure the timely submission of his loan application and take into account the above examination deadline.

It is pointed out that in the application for an apartment building and in case of choosing a loan, all applicants (participating apartments) should cooperate with the same financial institution.

Transfer of participation right

The right to participate in the submitted application to the Program is not transferred.

Transfer of the right is given only in the case of forced death of the beneficiary. In this case, the right to transfer the application is established upon submission of the application.

Following the legal procedures for succession, the rights and obligations towards the program will be transferred to a legal heir, ie to a natural person with a real right to the property (full ownership, usufruct, small ownership) and who will be declared as the successor of the application to Program.

As successor can be one of the existing co-owners in any form of property right (full / partial ownership, usufruct).

The successor will be obliged to use, for the purposes of the program, the bank already selected in the application by the beneficiary. Any change of the selected successor will be made through the Implementing Body of the Program.

The successor can be at the same time a beneficiary in another residence in the current Program.

By accepting his definition as a new beneficiary, the successor must accept all the obligations arising from the inclusion of the residence in the Program of the sub-section "Consequences" of the section "Disbursement".

The period from the declaration of death until the completion of the succession process is excluded from any project deadlines.

Partial deadline for the implementation of the project

Within a period of six (6) months from the date of issuance of the Admission Decision, at least the percentage specified in the section "Construction" sub-section "Implementation" paragraph "Partial Completion" for the partial completion of the eligible P / Y of interventions and other expenses based on the affiliation decision. No extension is allowed on the above partial deadline. If the partial deadline expires without securing the above condition, the process of withdrawal of the application will be initiated, while in case of revocation of the decision of affiliation, if necessary, a financial correction will be made.

Total deadline for the implementation of the project

Within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the Admission Decision, the entire physical and financial object must have been completed, ie

  • The implementation of all the interventions and the possible repayment of the other required expenses with own funds (eg issuance of licenses, insurance contributions)
  • The performance of the 2nd energy inspection and its payment
  • The issuance of documents of any studies and / or consulting services
  • The entry in the information system of the first certification statement for the completion of the project by attaching the required expenditure documents and other supporting documents
Deadlines Extensions

The right to extend the 12-month deadline for the implementation of the works up to ninety (90) days is given.

The request for extension is submitted exclusively electronically through the information management system of the application until the expiration of the deadline. Any supporting documents may be posted upon request.

The extension is examined and given with justification by the Implementing Body of the Program.

The request and the extension process are not related to any modification request which is examined and evaluated separately by the Implementing Body.

An extension beyond the above period may be requested through the information system and approved by the Implementing Agency only in case of force majeure. In the event of force majeure, the above extension must have been given. The request for extension due to force majeure must be submitted on time within the active approved deadline for the implementation of the application, while it is examined and given with justification by the Implementing Body.

21 Millerou Str. 10436, Athens

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